Our services

  • ⭐🌲⭐Genomia is closed 23.12.2024-1.1.2025. Thank you for your cooperation in 2024 and wishing you many personal and professional successes in 2025. We are looking forward to you since 2nd January 2025.⭐🌲⭐
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Our services

Allergological tests
Our tests are now more accurate - they include a system for blocking specific IgE against cross-reactive CCDs.

We test hereditary diseases, coat length and colors, presence of pathogens, genetic profile and parentage.

We provide more than 200 genetic tests for dogs.

genetic tests of diseases and coat colors, paternity tests, allergological tests

We perform parentage tests in Macaw, Amazona and Hawks. We perform birds sexing tests. We detect the presence of pathogens, such as APV, PBFD and Chlamydophila psittaci.

Breed Identity Analysis

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